Home ProgrammingJava Generics in Java: Examples Tutorial

Generics in Java: Examples Tutorial

Master the Art of Generics in Java: From Basic Syntax to Advanced Concepts

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Generics in Java: Examples Tutorial

Generics in Java offer improved type safety and code reuse, but it’s important to understand the potential performance implications and limitations of using them. In this article, we’ll cover the syntax of Generics, bounds and wildcards, type erasure, best practices, and advanced topics such as recursive type bounds and type inference. We’ll also discuss using Generics with collections, methods, exceptions, and provide performance considerations. By following these guidelines, you can effectively use Generics to build better Java applications.

What are Generics in Java

In version 5 of the Java programming language, a feature called Generics was introduced. This feature allows developers to specify the types of objects that a class or interface can work with, enabling them to write more flexible and reusable code. Prior to Generics, Java developers had to use awkward workarounds or raw types in order to work with multiple types in a single class or interface.

Generics allow developers to define the types of objects that can be used with a specific class, interface, or method, which allows them to create code that is more flexible, reusable, and reliable. This can reduce the risk of runtime errors caused by using incorrect object types, and improve the efficiency of the code.

The benefits of using Generics include improved type safety and better code reuse. By specifying the types of objects that can be used with a method, interface, or class, you can ensure that the correct types of objects are used and that runtime errors due to type mismatch are avoided. This can make your code more reliable and easier to maintain.

Why Use Generics in Java

Generics allow you to specify a placeholder for a specific type in your code, which you can then use in various declarations, instantiations, and method calls. This allows you to parameterize types, meaning that you can create reusable code that can work with different types without having to specify them explicitly.

This can be very useful in situations where you need to write code that can be used with multiple different types, as it allows you to write a single set of code that can be easily adapted to work with any type you need it to.

By implementing Generics, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required to write code, as you do not need to create individual versions of your code for each distinct data type you need to manipulate.

There are a number of situations where using Generics can be particularly useful. For example:

  • When you want to create a class or method that can be used with multiple types: By using Generics, you can define a class or method that can be used with a wide range of types, rather than being limited to a single type. This can improve the reusability and flexibility of your code.
  • When you want to improve the type safety of your code: With the help of generics, you can specify the types that are allowed to be used with a particular class or method. This can help to prevent runtime errors and make it easier to catch type-related issues at compile time.
  • When you want to improve the readability of your code: Using Generics, you can make it clearer to other developers what types are expected to be used with a particular class or method. This can make it easier for others to understand and use your code.

Type Parameter in Generics

Generics are implemented using type parameters, which are placeholders for actual types that are specified when the class, method, or interface is used.

For instance, the List interface in Java is a type of interface that enables you to specify the type of objects that can be kept in a list. For example, you can utilize this interface to generate a list of strings, a list of integers, or a list of any other type of object.

Generics in Java - Generic type parameter of List

Java has five kinds of type parameters: T, E, K, N, and V. When creating a generic class, interface, or method, these type parameters are used to determine the types that can be used with it:

Type Parameter Description Example
T Used to specify a type that can be used with a generic class, interface, or method. It is the most general type parameter and can be used to represent any type. <T>
E Used to specify the type of elements in a collection. It is commonly used with the java.util.Collection interface and its subtypes. <E>
K Used to specify the type of keys in a map. It is commonly used with the java.util.Map interface and its subtypes. <K>
N Used to specify a numerical type, such as Integer or Double. It is commonly used with classes and interfaces that deal with numerical data. <N extends Number>
V Used to specify the type of values in a map. It is commonly used with the java.util.Map interface and its subtypes. <V>

There are several different types of type parameters that you can use in Java, including:

  • Single type parameters: A single type parameter is used to specify a single type that can be used with a generic class, interface, or method. For example:
    public class MyClass<T> {
      // class implementation goes here

    In this example, the type parameter T is used to specify a single type that can be used with the class MyClass.

  • Multiple type parameters: It is possible to specify multiple types that can be used with a generic class, interface, or method by using multiple type parameters.
    public class MyClass<T, U> {
      // class implementation goes here

    Here the type parameters T and U are used to specify two different types that can be used with the class MyClass.

  • Bounded type parameters
  • Wildcard type parameters

We will talk more about the last two parameters below.

Bounds in Generics: Upper and Lower

In Java, you can use bounds to specify the types that are allowed to be used with a generic type. Bounds are specified using the extends keyword, and they allow you to narrow the range of types that can be used with a generic type. There are three types of bounds: upper bounds, lower bounds, and unbounded wildcards.

With upper bounds, you can set limits on the types or interfaces that a generic type must adhere to. This means that the generic type must either extend or implement the specified type or interface.

In the example below, a generic class called MyClass can be defined using the following code. This class has an upper bound, which means that the type parameter T must implement the Comparable interface.

public class MyClass<T extends Comparable> {
  // class definition goes here

Lower bounds allow you to set a requirement that a generic type must be a parent or supertype of a specific type. Lower bounds are specified using the super keyword. For example, the following code defines a generic method called myMethod with a lower bound that specifies that the type parameter T must be a supertype of the Number class:

public <T super Number> void myMethod(T arg) {
  // method definition goes here

By using bounds, you can specify the types that are allowed to be used with a generic type and improve the type safety and flexibility of your code.

Wildcards in Generics: Upper Bounded, Lower Bounded, and Unbounded

Wildcards are a feature of Generics in Java that allow you to specify a generic type in a more flexible way. Bounds and wildcards are similar but slightly different concepts in the context of Generics in Java.

Wildcards are a more flexible way of specifying a generic type. They are specified using the ? symbol and can be used to specify upper bounded, lower bounded, or unbounded types.

Wildcards with an upper bound allow you to specify that a generic type must be a subtype of a certain type or interface.  Upper bounded wildcards are specified using the ? extends syntax. For example, the following code defines a method called myMethod that takes a list of objects as an argument and uses an upper bounded wildcard to specify that the list can contain objects that are subtypes of the Number class:

public void myMethod(List<? extends Number> list) {
  // method definition goes here

Lower bounded wildcards enable you to specify that a generic type must be a supertype of a defined type . Lower bounded wildcards are specified using the ? super syntax. For example, the following code defines a method called myMethod that takes a list of objects as an argument and uses a lower bounded wildcard to specify that the list can contain objects that are supertypes of the Integer class:

public void myMethod(List<? super Integer> list) {
  // method definition goes here

Unbounded wildcards allow you to specify that a generic type can be used with any type. Unbounded wildcards are specified using the ? symbol without any additional bounds. For example, the following code defines a method called myMethod that takes a list of objects as an argument and uses an unbounded wildcard to specify that the list can contain objects of any type:

public void myMethod(List<?> list) {
  // method definition goes here

In Java, wildcards are a useful feature that allows for the creation of more versatile and reusable code. There are various types of wildcards, and by understanding how to utilize them effectively, you can greatly enhance your programming skills. Wildcards enable you to write code that is more generic and adaptable, allowing for greater flexibility in your programming projects.

Difference between Bounds and Wildcards

Bounds are used to specify the upper and/or lower limits of a type parameter. Upper bounds are used to specify the supertype of a type parameter, while lower bounds are used to specify the subtype. They can be particularly useful when working with interfaces and abstract classes, as they allow you to specify the types that are allowed to implement or extend those types.

On the other hand, wildcards are more flexible and can be used in a wider range of contexts. They are particularly useful when you want to specify a more generic type that can be used with a variety of different types. Wildcards can be particularly useful when working with collections and methods, as they allow you to specify that a collection or method can be used with a variety of different types of objects.

Here is a comparison table that summarizes the main differences between bounds and wildcards in the context of Generics in Java:

Bounds Wildcards
Syntax extends ?
Upper bounds Specify a type or interface that a generic type must extend or implement Specify a type or interface that a generic type must be a subtype of
Lower bounds Specify a type that a generic type must be a supertype of Specify a type that a generic type must be a supertype of
Unbounded Not supported Specify that a generic type can be used with any type

Overall, both bounds and wildcards can be useful in different contexts depending on your specific needs. By understanding the differences between bounds and wildcards and how to use them, you can choose the right tool for the job and take full advantage of the power and flexibility of Generics in Java.

How to Use Generics in Java

To use Generics in your Java code, you first need to understand the syntax for defining and using generic types.

In order to create a generic type, you place angle brackets (< and >) around one or more type variables within the type definition. The type parameters are placeholders for actual types that will be specified when the generic type is used. For example, the following code defines a generic class called MyClass with a single type parameter called T:

public class MyClass<T> {
  // class definition goes here

To utilize a general type, you specify the specific types for the type parameters inside angle brackets. For example, the following code creates an instance of MyClass with the type parameter T bound to the type String:

MyClass<String> myObject = new MyClass<>();

It’s possible to utilize Generics in combination with methods and interfaces in a similar manner. For example, the following code defines a generic interface called MyInterface with two type parameters called T and U:

public interface MyInterface<T, U> {
  // interface definition goes here

And the following code defines a generic method called myMethod with a single type parameter called V:

public <V> void myMethod(V arg) {
  // method definition goes here

You can use Generics in a variety of different contexts, such as declaring a generic class, extending a generic class, implementing a generic interface, or defining a generic method. By understanding the syntax for defining and using generic types, you can take full advantage of the power and flexibility of Generics in your Java code.

Type Erasure in Java: Understanding the Limitations of Generics

Type erasure is a process that occurs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) during the compilation of generic code. It refers to the removal of generic type information at runtime, which means that the JVM treats all generic types as if they were raw types.

Type erasure has several implications for the use of Generics in Java. Type erasure makes it impossible to utilize Generics for ensuring type safety during runtime due to its primary limitations. This means that the Java virtual machine (JVM) cannot prevent you from attempting to add objects of the wrong type to a collection or from calling a method with arguments of the wrong type.

Another limitation of type erasure is that it makes it impossible to create instances of generic types at runtime. This means that you cannot use reflection to create an instance of a generic type, or to access the fields or methods of a generic type.

Despite these limitations, there are ways in which you can work around the effects of type erasure in your code.

Use wrapper classes

Wrapper classes are classes that wrap primitive types in objects. By using wrapper classes, you can use Generics with primitive types and avoid the limitations of type erasure. For example, you can use the Integer wrapper class to use Generics with the int primitive type:

List<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Use the Class object

The Class object is a reflection class that provides information about a class at runtime. By using the Class object, you can access the fields and methods of a generic type at runtime and work around the limitations of type erasure. For example:

public class MyClass<T> {
  T value;

  public T getValue() {
    return value;

  public void setValue(T value) {
    this.value = value;

MyClass<String> myObject = new MyClass<String>();
Class cls = myObject.getClass();
Field field = cls.getDeclaredField("value");
field.set(myObject, "Hello, world!");

Use type tokens

A type token is a class that represents a generic type at runtime. By using type tokens, you can store information about a generic type and use it to access the fields and methods of a generic type at runtime. For example:

public class MyClass<T> {
  T value;

  public T getValue() {
    return value;

  public void setValue(T value) {
    this.value = value;

class StringTypeToken { }

MyClass<String> myObject = new MyClass<String>();
TypeToken<MyClass<String>> typeToken = new TypeToken<MyClass<String>>(new StringTypeToken(){});
Field field = typeToken.getType().getDeclaredField("value");
field.set(myObject, "Hello, world!");

Overall, type erasure is an important concept to understand when working with Generics in Java. By understanding the limitations it imposes and the ways in which you can work around these limitations, you can take full advantage of the power and flexibility of Generics in your code.

Best Practices for Using Generics in Java

When using Generics in Java, it is important to follow best practices in order to get the most out of this powerful feature. Here are some best practices to consider when working with Generics in Java:

Choose appropriate bounds

When defining a generic type, it is important to choose bounds that are both specific enough to provide the desired level of type safety and flexibility, and general enough to be useful in a wide range of contexts. For example, if you want to create a generic class that is capable of sorting any type of object that implements the Comparable interface, you should specify an upper bound of Comparable. However, if you want to create a generic class that is only capable of sorting a specific type of object, such as String, you should specify an upper bound of String.

// Upper bound example: create a generic class that can sort any type of object that implements Comparable
public class Sorter<T extends Comparable> {
  public void sort(List<T> list) {
    // sorting logic goes here

// Lower bound example: create a generic class that can reverse the order of any type of list
public class Reverser<T> {
  public void reverse(List<? super T> list) {
    // reversing logic goes here

Use wildcards wisely

Wildcards are an effective tool for specifying generic types in a flexible way, but it is important to use them wisely. When using wildcards, it is important to consider the context in which they are being used and to choose the appropriate type of wildcard for the situation. For example, if you want to create a method that can accept a list of any type, you should use an unbounded wildcard. However, if you want to create a method that can only accept a list of a specific type, such as String, you should use an upper bounded wildcard.

// Unbounded wildcard example: create a method that can accept a list of any type
public void printList(List<?> list) {
  for (Object element : list) {

// Upper bounded wildcard example: create a method that can only accept a list of a specific type
public void addElements(List<? extends Number> list, int element) {
  for (Number n : list) {

// Lower bounded wildcard example: create a method that can only accept a list of a specific type
public void printList(List<? super String> list) {
  for (Object element : list) {

Design generic classes and interfaces carefully

When designing generic classes and interfaces, it is important to consider the needs of the users of your code and to provide the right balance of flexibility and type safety. For example, if you are creating a generic class that is intended to be used as a utility for sorting objects, you should provide methods for sorting lists and arrays of different types, and specify appropriate bounds to ensure that the class can be used with a wide range of types.

// Create a generic class that provides utility methods for sorting lists and arrays of different types
public class Sorter<T extends Comparable> {
  public void sort(List<T> list) {
    // sorting logic goes here

  public void sort(T[] array) {
    // sorting logic goes here

// Create a generic interface that defines a method for comparing two objects of the same type
public interface Comparator<T> {
  int compare(T o1, T o2);

// Create a generic class that implements the Comparator interface and provides a default implementation of the compare method
public class DefaultComparator<T extends Comparable> implements Comparator<T> {
  public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
    return o1.compareTo(o2);

Test and debug code that uses Generics

When working with Generics, it is important to thoroughly test your code to ensure that it is correct and that it handles all possible cases. It is also important to be prepared to debug any issues that may arise, such as type errors or null pointer exceptions. To help with this, it can be helpful to use tools such as static analysis tools and test coverage tools, which can help you identify and fix issues in your code.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use Generics in your Java code and take full advantage of their power and flexibility.

Advanced Topics in Generics

As you become more comfortable with Generics in Java, you may want to explore some of the more advanced features and techniques that are available. Here are some advanced topics in Generics that you may want to consider:

Recursive type bounds

Recursive type bounds allow you to specify a generic type that is a subtype of itself. This can be useful in cases where you want to create a generic class or interface that is capable of operating on itself or on a subclass of itself. For example, you can use recursive type bounds to create a generic class that is capable of sorting a list of itself:

public class Sorter<T extends Comparable<T>> {
  public void sort(List<T> list) {
    // sorting logic goes here

Type inference

Type inference is a feature of the Java compiler that allows it to deduce the type arguments for a generic type based on the context in which it is used. This can make it easier to use Generics, as you don’t have to specify the type arguments explicitly. For example:

List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();
myList.add("Hello, world!");

In this example, the type argument String is inferred by the compiler based on the type of the elements that are being added to the list.


Reflection is a feature of the Java runtime that allows you to access and manipulate the fields, methods, and other elements of a class at runtime. You can use reflection with Generics by using the Class object and the Type interface. For example:

public class MyClass<T> {
  T value;

  public T getValue() {
    return value;

  public void setValue(T value) {
    this.value = value;

MyClass<String> myObject = new MyClass<String>();
Class cls = myObject.getClass();
Type type = cls.getGenericSuperclass();
ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) type;
Type argType = paramType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
System.out.println(argType);  // prints "class java.lang.String"

By using these advanced techniques, you can further extend the power and flexibility of Generics in your Java code. However, it is important to use these techniques with caution, as they can be complex and may require a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanics of Generics in Java.

Using Generics with Collections in Java

To use Generics with collections in Java, you first need to specify the type of the elements that the collection will hold. This is done by using angle brackets (<>) to enclose the type parameter. For example:

List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Integer, String> myMap = new HashMap<>();

In these examples, myList is a list that can only hold String objects, and myMap is a map that maps Integer keys to String values.

You can also use Generics to specify the type of objects that are returned by the collection’s methods. For instance:

String element = myList.get(0);

In this example, the get() method returns a String object, which is the type specified by the type parameter in the declaration of myList.

Using Generics with Methods in Java

To use Generics with methods in Java, you must declare the method’s type parameter by enclosing it in angle brackets (<>) after the return type. This allows you to specify the type of objects that can be used as arguments and returned by the method, improving the type safety and usability of your code.

public static <T> T getMiddleElement(List<T> list) {
  // method implementation goes here

In this example, the method getMiddleElement() is a generic method that takes a List of type T as an argument and returns an object of type T. The type parameter T is specified by the angle brackets after the method’s return type.

You can then use the type parameter T as a placeholder for a specific type when calling the method.

String middleElement = getMiddleElement(myList);

In this example, the type parameter T is replaced by the type String, which is the type of the elements in the list myList.

Using Generics with Exceptions in Java

In order to use Generics with exceptions in Java, you must declare a type parameter for the exception class by enclosing it in angle brackets (<>). This allows you to specify the type of objects that can be thrown and caught by the exception, improving the type safety and usability of your code. The process of declaring a type parameter for an exception class is similar to how it is done for collections and methods.

public class MyException<T> extends Exception {
  // exception class implementation goes here

In this example, the exception class MyException is a generic class that takes a type parameter T. You can then use the type parameter T as a placeholder for a specific type when throwing or catching the exception. For instance:

try {
  // code that may throw an exception goes here
} catch (MyException<String> e) {
  // exception handling code goes here

In this example, the type parameter T is replaced by the type String, which is the type of the exception object that is caught.

Performance Considerations when Using Generics in Java

When using Generics in Java, it is important to consider the potential performance implications of your code. While Generics do not typically have a significant impact on performance, in some cases the use of Generics can lead to slower performance due to the added overhead of type checking and type erasure.

Type checking refers to the process of verifying that the type of an object is compatible with the type specified by a generic type or method. This process is performed at runtime and can add an extra layer of overhead to your code.

Type erasure, on the other hand, refers to the process of removing generic type information from your code at runtime. This is done in order to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of Java that did not support Generics. While type erasure helps to ensure compatibility, it can also lead to slower performance due to the extra processing that is required.

To minimize the performance impact of Generics, it is important to be aware of these considerations and to optimize your use of Generics whenever possible.

One way to do this is to use bounds and wildcards wisely, as they can help to reduce the number of type checks that are required at runtime. It is also a good idea to use Generics sparingly, only when they provide a clear benefit to your code. By following these best practices, you can ensure that the use of Generics does not unduly impact the performance of your Java application.

Generics are a powerful feature of Java that can improve the type safety and readability of your code. However, it is important to be aware of the potential performance implications of using Generics, as well as the limitations imposed by type erasure. By following best practices such as using bounds and wildcards wisely and using Generics sparingly, you can ensure that your use of Generics does not negatively impact the performance of your application. With a solid understanding of how Generics work and how to use them effectively, you can take advantage of the benefits they offer and build better, more robust Java applications.

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