Home ProgrammingJava Polymorphism in Java: A Comprehensive Guide

Polymorphism in Java: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Polymorphism: Guide to Compile-Time and Runtime Techniques

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Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism in Java is a powerful feature a that allows objects of different types to be treated as a single type. It is a key concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) and is implemented through inheritance, interfaces, and method overloading and overriding.

What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming that refers to the ability of a single entity, such as a method or object, to take on multiple forms. In other words, polymorphism allows a single piece of code to behave differently depending on the context in which it is used. This can be achieved through inheritance, interfaces, or abstract classes in programming languages such as Java.

Polymorphism is a effective tool that can help developers create more flexible and reusable code. By using polymorphism, developers can create code that is able to adapt to different scenarios without having to be completely rewritten. It is an important aspect of object-oriented programming and is widely used in modern software development.

Types of Polymorphism in Java

There are two main types of polymorphism in Java: compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism.

Types of Polymorphism in Java

Сompile-time polymorphism in Java

Compile-time polymorphism, also known as static polymorphism, is achieved through method overloading. Method overloading refers to the practice of having multiple methods with the same name, but with different parameter lists. When a method is called, the Java compiler determines which version of the method to execute based on the number and type of arguments passed to the method.

There are several ways to implement compile-time polymorphism in Java:

Method overloading

Method overloading is a way to create multiple methods with the same name, but with different parameters. When a method is called, the Java compiler will determine which method to execute based on the number and type of the arguments passed to the method.

Here is an example of method overloading in Java:

public class MyClass {
    public void print(int x) {
        System.out.println("Printing an integer: " + x);
    public void print(double x) {
        System.out.println("Printing a double: " + x);
    public void print(String x) {
        System.out.println("Printing a string: " + x);

In this example, the MyClass class has three methods with the same name, but with different parameter types. When the print method is called with an integer argument, the first version of the method will be executed. When it is called with a double argument, the second version of the method will be executed. And when it is called with a string argument, the third version of the method will be executed.

One more example of method overloading:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
    System.out.println(calculator.add(5, 10));
    System.out.println(calculator.add(5, 10, 15));

class Calculator {
  public int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

  public int add(int a, int b, int c) {
    return a + b + c;

Here the Calculator class has two methods with the same name, "add", but with different parameter lists. The first method takes two arguments, while the second method takes three arguments. When the add method is called in the main method, the Java compiler determines which version of the method to execute based on the number of arguments passed to the method.

Constructor overloading

Constructor overloading is similar to method overloading, but it involves creating multiple constructors with different parameters. When an object is created using the new keyword, the Java compiler will determine which constructor to call based on the number and type of the arguments passed to the constructor.

Let’s look at an example of constructor overloading in Java:

public class MyClass {
    public MyClass() {
        // Default constructor
    public MyClass(int x) {
        // Constructor with one integer parameter
    public MyClass(int x, int y) {
        // Constructor with two integer parameters

Here the MyClass class has three constructors with different parameter lists. When the new keyword is used with no arguments, the default constructor will be called. When it is used with a single integer argument, the first version of the constructor will be called. And when it is used with two integer arguments, the second version of the constructor will be called.

Type casting

Type casting in Java refers to the process of converting an object of one type to another type. In the context of compile-time polymorphism, type casting can be used to explicitly specify the type of an object or variable when calling a method that has multiple versions with different parameter types.

In Java, there are two ways to perform type casting:

Implicit type casting

This is also known as automatic type casting, where the conversion is done automatically by the compiler. It occurs when the type of the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment operator is compatible with the type of the variable on the left-hand side. For example:

int i = 10;
long l = i; // Implicit type casting

Explicit type casting

This is also known as manual type casting, where the conversion is done manually by the developer. It occurs when the type of the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment operator is incompatible with the type of the variable on the left-hand side. In this case, the developer needs to explicitly specify the type of the variable they want to convert the expression to. For example:

long l = 10L;
int i = (int) l; // Explicit type casting

Now let’s consider the following class hierarchy:

class Animal { }
class Dog extends Animal { }
class Cat extends Animal { }

If you have a method that takes an Animal object as a parameter and you want to call it with a Dog object, you can use type casting to specify that the Dog object should be treated as an Animal. Here’s an example of how you might do this:

Dog myDog = new Dog();
Animal myAnimal = (Animal) myDog;

In this example, the myDog object is explicitly cast to the Animal type, allowing it to be passed as an argument to a method that expects an Animal object.

It’s important to note that type casting in Java is not always safe, as it can lead to ClassCastException errors if the object being cast is not compatible with the target type. To avoid these errors, you should use type casting cautiously and only when you are sure that the object can be safely converted to the target type.

Does Java Support Operator Overloading?

No, Java does not support operator overloading. In Java, operators such as +, -, *, /, etc. have a fixed meaning and cannot be redefined to perform different operations for different operand types.

Comparison of compile-time polymorphism methods in Java

Now let’s compare all the above methods, look at their pros and cons, and also find out which method is best suited for what purposes.

Method Description Pros Cons Best Suited For
Method Overloading Involves having multiple methods with the same name but different parameter lists Allows for code reuse Can be confusing for readers if the methods have similar but not identical behavior Cases where multiple methods with the same name perform similar tasks with different input
Constructor Overloading Involves having multiple constructors with different parameter lists Allows for flexibility in creating objects Can be confusing for readers if the constructors have similar but not identical behavior Cases where multiple constructors are needed to initialize an object in different ways
Type Casting Involves converting an object from one type to another Allows for compatibility between different types Can lead to runtime errors if the object is not compatible with the target type Cases where compatibility between different types is needed

So, compile-time polymorphism is useful for creating multiple versions of a method or constructor with different parameter lists. It allows you to write code that is more flexible and adaptable to different situations. However, it can also make the code more complex and harder to understand, as there may be multiple versions of a method or constructor to choose from.

Now, let’s move on to the second type of polymorphism.

Runtime polymorphism in Java

Runtime polymorphism, also known as dynamic polymorphism, is achieved through method overriding, abstract classes and interfaces . Method overriding occurs when a subclass provides its own implementation of a method that has already been defined in the superclass. Abstract classes are classes that contain one or more abstract methods, which are methods that have no implementation. Subclasses of an abstract class must provide an implementation for all of the abstract methods in the superclass.

Interfaces are another way to implement runtime polymorphism in Java. An interface is a collection of abstract methods that a class can implement. A class can implement multiple interfaces, allowing it to take on multiple forms.

There are pros and cons to using each of these methods to implement runtime polymorphism. Method overriding is the most straightforward and is supported by all versions of Java. Abstract classes and interfaces are more flexible but may require more code to implement. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the specific needs of the application.

Method Overriding

Method overriding is the most common form of runtime polymorphism where a subclass can redefine the behavior of a method inherited from its superclass. This is achieved by using the @Override annotation and declaring a method in the subclass with the same name, return type, and arguments as the method in the superclass.

To implement runtime polymorphism in Java, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Declare a superclass with a method that will be overridden in the subclass.
  2. Declare a subclass that extends the superclass and overrides the method with its own implementation.
  3. Create an object of the subclass and assign it to a reference variable of the superclass.
  4. Call the method using the reference variable of the superclass.

Here is an example of method overriding in Java:

class Animal {
   public void move() {
      System.out.println("Animals can move");

class Dog extends Animal {
   public void move() {
      System.out.println("Dogs can walk and run");

class Cat extends Animal {
   public void move() {
      System.out.println("Cats can walk and run");

public class TestPolymorphism {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Animal a = new Dog(); // a reference variable of type Animal refers to an object of type Dog
      a.move(); // prints "Dogs can walk and run"
      a = new Cat(); // a reference variable of type Animal refers to an object of type Cat
      a.move(); // prints "Cats can walk and run"

The Animal class has a move method that prints “Animals can move.” The Dog and Cat classes both extend the Animal class and override the move method with their own implementation.

When we create an object of the Dog class and assign it to a reference variable of type Animal, the move method of the Dog class is called. Similarly, when we create an object of the Cat class and assign it to the same reference variable, the move method of the Cat class is called.

This is an example of runtime polymorphism, as the method to be called is determined at runtime based on the actual object type.

Abstract Classes

In Java, abstract classes are a type of class that cannot be instantiated and must be subclassed. An abstract class can contain both abstract methods (methods with no implementation) and concrete methods (methods with an implementation).

Abstract classes are used in runtime polymorphism to provide a common base class for a group of related subclasses. This allows the subclass to inherit common properties and behaviors from the base class, while still being able to define their own unique properties and behaviors.

Here is an example of an abstract class in Java:

public abstract class Animal {
  protected String name;
  protected int age;

  public Animal(String name, int age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;

  public abstract void makeNoise();

In this example, the Animal class is an abstract class with two concrete properties (name and age) and one abstract method (makeNoise). The makeNoisemethod has no implementation, so it must be implemented by any concrete subclasses of Animal .

And this is an example of a concrete subclass of Animal:

public class Dog extends Animal {
  public Dog(String name, int age) {
    super(name, age);

  public void makeNoise() {

Here the Dog class extends the Animal class and provides an implementation for the makeNoisemethod. This allows us to use the Dog class as a concrete instance of Animal , while still being able to define its own unique behavior.

The @Override annotation is used to indicate that the annotated method is meant to override a method in a superclass.

Abstract classes are a useful tool in runtime polymorphism because they allow you to define a common interface for a group of related classes, while still allowing each class to have its own unique implementation. This allows you to create flexible and reusable code that can be easily extended and modified as your needs change.


In Java, an interface is a collection of abstract methods that a class can implement. When a class implements an interface, it must implement all of the methods defined in the interface. This allows for runtime polymorphism because the actual implementation of the method is determined at runtime based on the type of the object.

Interfaces do not contain any implementation code and are used to define a set of behaviors that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.

Now let’s look at an example of how to use an interface to achieve runtime polymorphism in Java:

public interface Animal {
  public void move();

public class Dog implements Animal {
  public void move() {
    System.out.println("Dogs can run and walk.");

public class Cat implements Animal {
  public void move() {
    System.out.println("Cats can run and climb.");

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Animal animal1 = new Dog();
    animal1.move(); // prints "Dogs can run and walk."

    Animal animal2 = new Cat();
    animal2.move(); // prints "Cats can run and climb."

The Animal interface defines a move method that is implemented by the Dog and Cat classes. When the move method is called on an Animal object, the actual implementation is determined at runtime based on the type of the object. If the object is a Dog , the move method from the Dog class is called. If the object is a Cat , the move method from the Cat class is called. This allows for runtime polymorphism because the actual implementation of the method is determined at runtime.

Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces together

Both abstract classes and interfaces can be used to achieve runtime polymorphism in Java. For example, consider the following code:

public interface Animal {
  void makeSound();

public abstract class Cat implements Animal {
  public void makeSound() {

public class DomesticCat extends Cat {
  // No need to implement makeSound() as it is already implemented in the base class

public class Lion extends Cat {
  // No need to implement makeSound() as it is already implemented in the base class

In this example, the Animal interface defines a single abstract method called makeSound. The Cat abstract class implements this method and prints “Meow!” to the console. The DomesticCat and Lion classes extend the Cat class and inherit the makeSoundimplementation.

To use polymorphism in this example, we can create an array of Animal references and assign instances of the DomesticCat and Lion classes to the array:

Animal[] animals = new Animal[2];
animals[0] = new DomesticCat();
animals[1] = new Lion();

for (Animal animal : animals) {

When this code is executed, the makeSoundmethod of each animal in the array will be called, resulting in the following output:


Through the use of abstract classes and interfaces, we were able to achieve runtime polymorphism in Java and call the makeSound method on multiple types of animals without knowing their specific type at compile-time.

It’s important to note that abstract classes and interfaces are not mutually exclusive and can be used together to achieve polymorphism in Java. For example, an abstract class can implement an interface and provide a default implementation for one or more of the interface’s methods, while still leaving some methods abstract for derived classes to implement.

In summary, abstract classes and interfaces are powerful tools for achieving runtime polymorphism in Java and can be used to create flexible and extensible code bases.

Let’s summarize the above by comparing all the methods described above in a table:

Operator Description Pros Cons Best Suited For
Method Overriding Allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in the superclass Simple and easy to understand Limited to inheritance hierarchy When the subclass needs to provide a different implementation of a method defined in the superclass
Abstract Classes Classes that contain one or more abstract methods, which are methods that have a declaration but no implementation Allows for code reuse and promotes code organization Cannot be instantiated on their own and must be subclassed When you want to provide a common interface or implementation for subclasses
Interfaces A collection of abstract methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface Allows for multiple inheritance and promotes code organization Does not provide any implementation and requires the implementing class to provide all method bodies When you want to specify a set of methods that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface
Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces together Combining the use of abstract classes and interfaces allows for code reuse, multiple inheritance, and a clear separation of responsibilities Allows for a more flexible and powerful design Can be more complex to understand and implement When you want to take advantage of the benefits of both abstract classes and interfaces

The instanceof operator in Polymorphism in Java

The instanceof operator is a useful tool in polymorphism in Java, as it allows developers to determine the type of an object at runtime. It is used in the following way:

if (object instanceof Type) {
  // code to execute

Here, object is the object whose type we want to determine, and Type is the class or interface type we want to check against. If object is an instance of Type, the code inside the if statement will be executed.

One use case for the instanceof operator is to implement runtime polymorphism. For example, consider the following code:

Animal animal = new Dog("Max", 5);
if (animal instanceof Dog) {
  Dog dog = (Dog) animal;

In this example, we have an Animal object called animal that is actually an instance of the Dog class. We can use the instanceof operator to check if animal is a Dog, and if it is, we can cast it to a Dog object and call the bark() method.

The instanceof operator can also be used in combination with abstract classes and interfaces to implement polymorphism. For example:

abstract class Animal {
  abstract void makeNoise();

class Dog extends Animal {
  void makeNoise() {

class Cat extends Animal {
  void makeNoise() {

interface Flyable {
  void fly();

class Bird extends Animal implements Flyable {
  void makeNoise() {

  public void fly() {
    System.out.println("Flap, flap!");

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Animal animal = new Bird();
    if (animal instanceof Dog) {
      ((Dog) animal).makeNoise();
    } else if (animal instanceof Cat) {
      ((Cat) animal).makeNoise();
    } else if (animal instanceof Bird) {
      ((Bird) animal).makeNoise();
      ((Bird) animal).fly();

In this example, we have an abstract class called Animal that defines the makeNoise() method. The Dog and Cat classes both extend Animal and provide their own implementation of makeNoise(). We also have an interface called Flyable that defines the fly() method. The Bird class extends Animal and implements Flyable, providing its own implementation of both makeNoise() and fly().

In the main() method, we create an Animal object called animal and assign it a Bird object. We can use the instanceof operator to determine the type of animal and execute different code depending on the type. In this case, we use the instanceof operator to check if animal is a Dog, Cat, or Bird, and we call the appropriate method for each case.

The output of the program is:

"Chirp! Flap, flap!"

One advantage of using the instanceof operator is that it allows developers to write more flexible and reusable code. For example, in the shape example above, we can write code that works with any type of shape, rather than being tied to a specific type.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using the instanceof operator. One disadvantage is that it can make the code more verbose, as it requires multiple if statements to check for different types. Additionally, if the code relies heavily on the instanceof operator, it may be a sign that the design is not optimal and could be improved by using inheritance or interfaces more effectively.

Overall, the instanceof operator can be a useful tool in polymorphism in Java, but it is important to use it wisely and in moderation to avoid code complexity and maintainability issues

Here are a few tips for using the instanceof operator effectively in polymorphism in Java:

  1. Use the instanceof operator sparingly and only when necessary. Overuse of the operator can lead to code complexity and maintenance issues.
  2. Consider using abstract classes and interfaces in combination with the instanceof operator to implement polymorphism. This can help to reduce code complexity and improve maintainability.
  3. Test the use of the instanceof operator thoroughly to ensure that it is working correctly and producing the desired results.
  4. Use the instanceof operator in combination with other techniques, such as method overloading and method overriding, to achieve the desired level of polymorphism.
  5. Remember to consider the performance implications of using the instanceof operator, as it can be slower than other approaches to polymorphism.
  6. Use the instanceof operator in combination with the cast operator (e.g. (Type) object) to safely cast objects to specific types and avoid runtime errors.
  7. When working with multiple levels of inheritance, consider using the getClass() method in combination with the instanceof operator to accurately determine the type of an object.

Comparison of Types of Polymorphism

Let’s summarize all of the above:

Polymorphism Description Pros Cons Best Suited For
Compile-time Polymorphism This type of polymorphism is achieved through method overloading, which involves having multiple methods with the same name but different signatures. This allows the same method to perform different tasks based on the number or types of arguments passed to it. Allows for concise code, as multiple methods can be implemented under the same name. Can be confusing for developers who are not familiar with method overloading, as it is not immediately clear which method will be called based on the arguments passed. When multiple methods with the same name perform similar tasks but take different arguments.
Runtime Polymorphism This type of polymorphism is achieved through method overriding, which involves having a subclass override a method inherited from a superclass. This allows the subclass to provide its own implementation of the method, which will be called at runtime based on the type of object being used. Allows for flexible code, as the same method can perform different tasks based on the type of object it is called on. Can lead to code complexity, as developers must be aware of the hierarchy of classes and the order in which methods are overridden. When a subclass needs to provide its own implementation of a method inherited from a superclass.
The instanceof operator The instanceof operator is used to determine the type of an object at runtime. It allows developers to execute different code based on the type of object being used. Provides a convenient way to implement runtime polymorphism, as it allows developers to easily determine the type of an object and execute appropriate code. Can lead to code complexity and maintainability issues, as the instanceof operator requires the use of multiple conditional statements. When it is necessary to determine the type of an object at runtime and execute different code based on its type.

Advantages of Polymorphism

  • Code Reusability: Polymorphism allows developers to reuse the same code for different objects, which reduces the amount of code needed to be written and makes the code easier to maintain.
  • Flexibility: Polymorphism allows developers to change the behavior of an object at runtime, which makes the code more flexible and adaptable to changing requirements.
  • Extensibility: Polymorphism allows developers to easily extend and modify existing code by adding new classes or methods without affecting the existing code.
  • Readability: Polymorphism makes the code more readable and easier to understand, as it separates the implementation of different behaviors from the main logic of the code.
  • Maintainability: Polymorphism makes the code easier to maintain, as developers can make changes to the behavior of an object without affecting the rest of the codebase.

Limitations of Polymorphism

  1. Complexity: Polymorphism can add complexity to a codebase, as developers must manage multiple implementations of the same method. This can be especially challenging in large, complex systems.
  2. Performance: Depending on the implementation, polymorphism can have a negative impact on performance. For example, using method overriding for runtime polymorphism can result in slower execution times compared to using compile-time polymorphism.
  3. Debugging: Debugging code that uses polymorphism can be more difficult, as it can be hard to determine which implementation of a method is being called at runtime.
  4. Compatibility: Some programming languages do not support polymorphism, which can make it difficult to reuse code across languages or platforms.

In conclusion, polymorphism is a powerful tool that allows developers to write flexible and reusable code in Java. It allows developers to create abstractions and write code that is more generic and less tied to specific implementation details. Polymorphism can be implemented in Java through inheritance, interfaces, and the instanceof operator, and each method has its own set of benefits and limitations. It is important for developers to carefully consider the requirements of their code and choose the appropriate method of implementing polymorphism in order to write efficient and maintainable code.

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