Home iOS “Where” in Swift: How to Use, Definition, Purpose

“Where” in Swift: How to Use, Definition, Purpose

Mastering the Use of 'Where' in Swift: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples, Advantages, and Disadvantages

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"Where" in Swift: How to Use, Definition, Purpose

Let’s learn how to use the powerful “where” keyword in Swift to specify constraints and conditions on generic types, protocols, functions, and enum cases. Find out what “where” is used for, and see examples of how to use it in different contexts, with step-by-step explanations and output. Discover the benefits and limitations of using “where” in your code, and learn how to write more flexible and reusable code with this useful tool. Get the complete guide to “where” in Swift, and start using it in your own projects today!

Whai is the “where” keyword in Swift

Swift’s “where” keyword is a useful tool that allows you to set conditions or constraints on generic types, protocols, and functions. Its purpose is to narrow down the type of values that can be used in a specific context, ultimately resulting in more flexible and reusable code. This keyword is commonly used to filter out certain values and ensure that only those that meet certain criteria are allowed.

If you are using a version of Swift that is 2.0 or later, you can use the “where” keyword in your code.

When to use “where” in Swift

There are a few situations in which it is appropriate to use the “where” keyword in Swift:

  1. When specifying constraints on generic types and protocols. “Where” clauses enable the restriction of the types that can be utilized with a generic function or type. For instance, a generic function may only be utilized with types that follow a specific protocol, while a generic type may only be used with types that possess a specific associated type. This allows for more accurate type checking and helps to ensure the accuracy of the code.
  2. When writing reusable code. “Where” can be used to specify conditions that must be met in order to use certain functions or types. For instance, “where” can be utilized to indicate that a function is only valid for integers that are greater than zero, or that a generic type can only be utilized with types that possess a specific attribute.
  3. When improving the type safety and reliability of your code.“Where” can help you to ensure that your code is only used with certain types of objects, which can help you to avoid runtime errors and improve the overall performance of your code.

Benefits and Limitations of Using the “where” keyword

One of the main benefits of using “where” is that it allows you to specify constraints on generic types and protocols, which can help you to ensure that your code is only used with certain types of objects. This can help you to avoid runtime errors and improve the overall performance of your code.

Another benefit of “where” is that it can help you to write more reusable code, by allowing you to specify conditions that must be met in order to use certain functions or types.  This can make it easier to reuse your code in different contexts, and can save you time and effort when writing new code.

However, there are also some limitations to using “where” in your code. One limitation is that it can make your code more complex and difficult to read, especially if you use it excessively or in complex conditions. It is important to use “where” sparingly, and to carefully consider whether it is necessary for your code.

Another limitation is that “where” may not be applicable in all situations. For example, you may not be able to use “where” to specify constraints on certain types of objects, or you may need to use other techniques to achieve the same result. It is important to carefully consider the context in which you are using “where”, and to choose the most appropriate technique for your code.

It is important to note that the “where” keyword is not supported in versions of Swift prior to 2.0. If you are using an older version of Swift, you will need to upgrade to a newer version in order to use the “where” keyword in your code.

Here is a small table of pros and cons for the “where” keyword:

Pros Cons
Allows you to specify constraints and conditions on generic types, protocols, functions, and enum cases. Can make your code more complex and difficult to read if used excessively.
Helps you to write more flexible and reusable code. May not be applicable in all situations.
Improves the type safety and reliability of your code. Can result in longer compilation times if used in large codebases.
Can improve the performance of your code by enabling the compiler to optimize for specific cases. May not be supported by all versions of Swift.

How to Use “where” in Swift

To use the “where” keyword in your code, you simply need to specify the constraints or conditions that you want to apply after the type or protocol definition.

Let’s see how we can use “where” in Swift programming.

Generic Types

Constraints on generic types can be imposed using ‘where’ clauses. For example, these clauses can be employed to ensure that a generic type can only be utilized with types that adhere to a specific protocol, or that possess a specific associated type. Here is an example of how to use “where” with a generic type:

struct Stack<T> where T: Comparable {
    // Struct implementation

In this example, the “where T: Comparable” clause specifies that the Stack struct can only be used with types that implement the Comparable protocol. This means that you can only create a Stack object with values that are comparable.


The “where” clause can be used to specify constraints on protocols in Swift. For instance, this can be used to specify that a protocol can only be adopted by types that have a certain associated type, or that implement a particular protocol. let’s get a look how to use “where” with a protocol:

protocol Collection {
    associatedtype Iterator: IteratorProtocol
    func makeIterator() -> Iterator

Here the “where Iterator: IteratorProtocol” clause specifies that the Iterator associated type of the Collection protocol must implement the IteratorProtocol protocol. This means that any type that adopts the Collection protocol must also have an associated type that implements the IteratorProtocol protocol.


We can use “where” to specify constraints on functions in Swift. For example, we can use “where” to specify that a function can only be called with arguments that meet certain conditions. Look at an example of how to use “where” with a function:

func doSomething<T>(value: T) where T: Comparable {
    // Function implementation

The “where T: Comparable” clause specifies that the doSomething function can only be called with arguments that are comparable. This means that you can only call the function with values that implement the Comparable protocol.

Type Constraints

Type constraints enable you to set limits on the types that can be used as arguments for a generic type or function. For instance, you can utilize the “where” keyword to stipulate that a generic type can only be utilized with classes, or that a generic function can only be invoked with integers. This helps ensure that the code is more predictable and easier to maintain. Here is an example:

struct Stack<T: AnyObject> {
    // Struct implementation

func doSomething<T: Integer>(value: T) {
    // Function implementation

The type constraints of “T: AnyObject” and “T: Integer” specify which types can be utilized with generic types and functions. The “T: AnyObject” constraint limits the use of the Stack struct to class types, while the “T: Integer” constraint restricts the doSomething function to only accept integer types.

Associated Type Constraints

Associated type constraints enable you to specify that a generic type or function can only be used with types that possess a certain associated type. For instance, you may want to use “where” to ensure that a generic type can only be utilized with certain types that either have an associated type that conforms to a particular protocol or have a specific value. This can be useful for ensuring that the type or function is being used in the intended way and for preventing unintended behavior.

protocol Collection {
    associatedtype Iterator: IteratorProtocol
    func makeIterator() -> Iterator

struct Stack<T: Collection> where T.Iterator.Element: Comparable {
    // Struct implementation

func doSomething<T: Collection>(value: T) where T.Iterator.Element: Comparable {
    // Function implementation

The following phrase outlines the requirements for the generic types and functions in the “where T.Iterator.Element: Comparable” clauses: the Stack structure and doSomething function can only be utilized with types that possess an associated type that adheres to the Comparable protocol.

Function Constraints

Function constraints can be used to specify that a generic type or function can only be used with arguments that possess a particular function or method. The ‘where’ keyword can be utilized to indicate that the specific function or method is required in order to use the generic type or function. For example, the following shows how to use “where” with function constraints:

protocol Comparable {
    func compareTo(other: Self) -> Int

struct Stack<T: Comparable> where T.compareTo(T) -> Int {
    // Struct implementation

func doSomething<T: Comparable>(value: T) where T.compareTo(T) -> Int {
    // Function implementation

The “where T.compareTo(T) -> Int” constraints specify that the Stack struct and the doSomething function can only be utilized with types that possess a compareTo function that takes in an argument of the same type and returns an integer. The purpose of these clauses is to specify the limitations on the generic types and functions being used.

Enum Case Constraints

You can use enum case constraints to limit the cases of an enum that a generic type or function can be applied to. “Where” is used to specify certain conditions that must be met by the cases of the enum. For instance, you may specify that only cases with a certain associated value can be used with a generic type, or that only cases with a specific raw value can be used with a generic function. This is how you might use “where” with enum case constraints:

enum Gender: String {
    case male = "Male"
    case female = "Female"

struct Person<T: Gender> where T.rawValue == String {
    // Struct implementation

func doSomething<T: Gender>(value: T) where T.rawValue == String {
    // Function implementation

Constraints are placed on the generic types and functions through the “where T.rawValue == String” clauses, which indicate that the Person struct and doSomething function can only be utilized with cases of the Gender enum that have raw values of type String. These clauses serve to specify enum case constraints on the mentioned types and functions.

Protocol Constraints

In Swift, the “where” keyword can be utilized to establish constraints on protocols. By utilizing these constraints, it is possible to specify that a generic type or function can only be used with specific types that conform to a certain protocol. For instance, by using “where,” it is possible to specify that a generic type can only be used with types that follow a specific protocol, or that a generic function can only be called with arguments that implement a certain protocol. This enables you to guarantee that certain constraints are met when using these types or functions. The following example illustrates how to use “where” with protocol constraints:

protocol Comparable {
    func compareTo(other: Self) -> Int

struct Stack<T: Comparable> where T: Hashable {
    // Struct implementation

func doSomething<T: Comparable>(value: T) where T: Hashable {
    // Function implementation

In these examples, the “where T: Hashable” clauses specify protocol constraints on the generic types and functions. The clauses specify that the Stack struct and doSomething function can only be used with types that implement the Hashable protocol.

Other cases for “where” in Swift

There are a few other use cases for the “where” keyword that are worth mentioning.

Case Patterns

The “where” keyword can be used to establish requirements for case patterns in a switch statement. For instance, you may specify that a certain case should only be selected if a certain condition is fulfilled. This is an example of using “where” with case patterns:

let value = 5

switch value {
case let x where x > 10:
    print("The value is greater than 10")
case let x where x > 0:
    print("The value is greater than 0 but less than or equal to 10")
    print("The value is less than or equal to 0")

In this example, the first case will only be matched if the value of “value” is greater than 10, and the second case will only be matched if the value of “value” is greater than 0 but less than or equal to 10.

For-In Loops

You can use “where” to specify conditions for for-in loops in Swift. The “where” can be used to filter elements in a collection based on a certain condition. Here is an example of how to use “where” with a for-in loop:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

for number in numbers where number % 2 == 0 {

The for-in loop will iterate over all the elements in the “numbers” array, and the “where” clause will filter out any elements that are not divisible by 2. The output of the program will be:


Guard Statements

“Where” can be utilized to establish conditions for guard statements in Swift. Guard statements are utilized to exit a function or loop early if certain conditions are not satisfied. You can use “where” to specify the conditions that must be met in order for the function or loop to continue. Here is an example of how to use “where” with a guard statement:

func doSomething(value: Int) {
    guard value > 0, value % 2 == 0 else {

    // Function implementation

In this example, the guard statement will only allow the function to continue if the value of “value” is greater than 0 and divisible by 2. If either of these conditions is not met, the function will return early.

Filter Method

Using the “where” keyword in conjunction with the “filter” method allows you to select only certain elements from a collection that meet a specific condition. This results in a new array being returned that only contains these qualifying elements. For example:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

let evenNumbers = numbers.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }

The “filter” method will return an array containing only the elements in the “numbers” array that are divisible by 2. The output of the program will be:

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

As you can see, the “where” keyword in Swift is a very versatile and powerful tool that can be used in a variety of contexts. Whether you are working with generic types, protocols, functions, loops, or collections, “where” can help you specify constraints, filter elements, and make your code more expressive and efficient.

Of course, as with any programming tool, it is important to use “where” appropriately and with caution. Overusing “where” can lead to complex and hard-to-read code, so be sure to strike a balance between simplicity and expressiveness.

Overall, the “where” keyword is an essential part of the Swift programming language, and it is a tool that every Swift developer should be familiar with. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, learning how to use “where” effectively will help you write cleaner, more efficient, and more expressive code in Swift.

In the end, here are some more useful tips for working with this keyword:

Tips for using “where” in Swift

Here are a few tips for using the “where” keyword in Swift:

  1. Use “where” sparingly: “Where” can make your code more complex and difficult to read, so it is important to use it wisely and only when necessary.
  2. Consider the context: “Where” may not be applicable in all situations, so it is important to carefully consider the context in which you are using it, and to choose the most appropriate technique for your code.
  3. Test your code: As with any new feature of the language, it is important to test your code carefully to ensure that it is working as expected. This is especially important when using “where”, as it can affect the behavior of your code in unexpected ways.
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