Home iOS @MainActor in Swift: What is it, Usage, Examples

@MainActor in Swift: What is it, Usage, Examples

Mastering @MainActor in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

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@MainActor in Swift

In this article, we will introduce the concept of @MainActor in Swift and explain why it is important. We will also provide an overview of the topics that will be covered in the article, which include getting started with @MainActor, advanced concepts in @MainActor, and best practices for using @MainActor in Swift.

What is @MainActor in Swift

MainActor is a Swift library that provides a way to create actors, which are lightweight concurrency units that communicate with each other using message passing. The actor model is a popular way to write concurrent and distributed systems, as it provides a simple and reliable way to manage the complexity of concurrent and distributed systems.

The main advantage of using @MainActor in Swift is that it provides a simple and intuitive way to manage concurrent execution and communication in your applications. @MainActor is designed to be easy to use and understand, even for developers who are new to actor-based programming.

@MainActor differs from other actor-based approaches, such as Akka, in a few key ways:

  • @MainActor is specific to Swift, whereas Akka is a general-purpose actor library that can be used with a variety of programming languages.
  • @MainActor is designed to be simple and easy to use, with a smaller API surface area and fewer concepts to learn, whereas Akka is more powerful but may be more complex to use.
  • @MainActor is focused on actor-based concurrency and communication, whereas Akka also provides features for distributed computing, such as clustering and remoting.

How to Use @MainActor in Swift

To get started with @MainActor in Swift, you will need to set up a project that is configured to use the @MainActor framework.

Example of Using the @MainActor in Swift

Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up a project to use @MainActor in Swift:

1. Install the @MainActor library

To use @MainActor in your project, you will need to install the @MainActor library. You can do this using the Swift Package Manager by adding the following dependency to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/MainActor/MainActor.git", from: "0.1.0")

Alternatively, you can install @MainActor using CocoaPods by adding the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MainActor'

2. Import the @MainActor module

Once you have installed the @MainActor library, you will need to import the @MainActor module in your Swift code to use it. You can do this by adding the following line to the top of your Swift source file:

import MainActor

3. Create an actor

To use @MainActor in your code, you will need to create an actor. An actor is an object that is used to send and receive messages asynchronously. You can create an actor by subclassing the Actor class and implementing the required methods:

class MyActor: Actor {
  override func receive(message: Any) {
    // handle the message here

4. Send and receive messages

Once you have created an actor, you can use it to send and receive messages asynchronously. To send a message to an actor, you can use the send method:

myActor.send("Hello, world!")

To receive a message, you can implement the receive method in your actor subclass:

override func receive(message: Any) {
  print("received message: \(message)")

That’s it! You are now ready to start using @MainActor in your Swift project.

A Couple more Examples

Here are some more examples of using @MainActor in Swift:

1. Sending a message to an actor

To send a message to an actor, you can use the send method of the actor instance. For example, to send a message to the MyActor actor we defined in the previous example, you can use the following code:

let actor = MyActor()
actor.send("Hello, actor!")

2. Receiving a reply from an actor

To receive a reply from an actor, you can use the ask method of the actor instance. This method returns a Promise object that you can use to obtain the reply asynchronously. For example, to send a message to MyActor and receive a reply, you can use the following code:

let actor = MyActor()
let reply = actor.ask("What is your name?")

// Process the reply asynchronously
reply.whenSuccess { name in
    print("Actor's name is: \(name)")

I hope these examples are helpful in understanding how to use @MainActor in Swift.

Advanced Concepts in @MainActor

In @MainActor, actor hierarchies, actor lifecycle, and actor state are advanced concepts that can be useful for building more complex actor-based systems.

Actor Hierarchies

In @MainActor, actors can be organized into hierarchies, with parent actors managing the lifecycle and state of their child actors. This can be useful for building systems with a clear separation of responsibilities, where parent actors handle high-level tasks and delegate specific actions to their child actors.

To create an actor hierarchy in @MainActor, you can use the Actor.spawn(behavior:) method to create a new child actor. For example:

class ParentActor: Actor {
  let child = Actor(behaviour: ChildActor())

  func receive(_ message: String) {

class ChildActor: actor {
  func receive(_ message: String) {
    print("Received message: \(message)")

let parent = ParentActor()
parent.send("Hello child actor!")

In this example, the ParentActor creates a child actor of type ChildActor when it is initialized. The ParentActor can then send messages to its child actor using the send method. The ChildActor receives the message and prints it to the console.

Actor Lifecycle

In @MainActor, actors have a defined lifecycle that starts when they are created and ends when they are terminated. The lifecycle of an actor consists of the following stages:

  1. PreStart: This is the first stage of an actor’s lifecycle, and it occurs when the actor is created. In this stage, an actor can perform any initialization tasks such as setting up state or subscribing to messages.
  2. Running: This is the second stage of an actor’s lifecycle, and it occurs when the actor is actively processing messages. An actor can receive messages and send messages to other actors during this stage.
  3. PostStop: This is the final stage of an actor’s lifecycle, and it occurs when the actor is terminated. In this stage, an actor can perform any cleanup tasks such as unsubscribing from messages or closing resources.

Here is an example of how to handle the different stages of an actor’s lifecycle in Swift:

class MyActor: Actor {
  override func preStart() {
    // Initialization tasks

  override func receive(_ message: Any) {
    // Process messages

  override func postStop() {
    // Cleanup tasks

In this example, the MyActor class overrides the preStart(), receive(), and postStop() methods to handle the different stages of the actor’s lifecycle. The preStart() method is called when the actor is created, the receive() method is called when the actor receives a message, and the postStop() method is called when the actor is terminated.

Actor State

In @MainActor, actor state refers to the data that an actor maintains and processes as it processes messages. Actor state can be any type of data, such as integers, strings, or complex objects.

You can use actor state to store information that is needed to process messages or perform actions. For example, you can use actor state to store a list of items to be processed or a count of how many times an action has been performed.

To manage actor state in @MainActor, you can use the state property of the Actor class. The state property is of type Any, so you can store any type of data in it. Here is an example of using the state property to store an integer in an actor:

import MainActor

class MyActor: Actor {
    override func receive(message: Any) {
        switch message {
        case let value as Int:
            // Update actor state
            state = value

let actor = MyActor()
print(actor.state) // Output: 1

n this example, the actor receives an integer message and updates its state by storing the value of the message in the state property. The actor state is then printed to the console.

You can also use the state property to store more complex data structures, such as dictionaries or arrays. Here is an example of using the state property to store a dictionary in an actor:

import MainActor

class MyActor: actor {
    override func receive(message: Any) {
        switch message {
        case let value as [String: Any]:
            // Update actor state
            state = value

let actor = MyActor()
actor.send(["key": "value"])
print(actor.state) // Output: ["key": "value"]

In this example, the actor receives a dictionary message and updates its state by storing the value of the message in the state property. The actor state is then printed to the console.

Best Practices for Using @MainActor in Swift

Using @MainActor in Swift can be a powerful tool for building concurrent and distributed applications, but it is important to follow best practices to ensure that your actors are well-designed and efficient. Here are some best practices for using @MainActor in Swift.

Designing Actor Hierarchies

One of the best practices for using @MainActor in Swift is to design actor hierarchies that are well-suited to the needs of your application. An actor hierarchy is a tree-like structure of actors where each actor has one or more child actors, and is itself a child of another actor. When designing actor hierarchies, it is important to consider factors such as the responsibilities of each actor, the communication patterns between actors, and the performance and scalability of the system.

Here are a few tips for designing actor hierarchies in Swift:

  • Keep actors small and focused: It is generally a good idea to keep actors small and focused on specific tasks, rather than trying to make them do too much. This can make it easier to understand the responsibilities of each actor and to reason about the behavior of the system as a whole.
  • Use actors to model entities in the domain: You can use actors to model entities in the domain of your application, such as customers, orders, or inventory items. This can help to naturally partition the data and logic of your application and to isolate different parts of the system from each other.
  • Use actor hierarchies to reflect the relationships between entities: You can use actor hierarchies to reflect the relationships between entities in the domain of your application. For example, you might have a customer actor that has a child actor for each order placed by the customer, or an inventory item actor that has a child actor for each location where the item is stored.
  • Consider the communication patterns between actors: When designing actor hierarchies, it is important to consider the communication patterns between actors and how they will interact with each other. For example, you might want to use actors to decouple different parts of the system and to isolate them from each other, or you might want to use actors to facilitate the flow of data between different parts of the system.

Here is an example of how you might use @MainActor in Swift to design an actor hierarchy for a simple e-commerce application:

class CustomerActor: MainActor {
  private let name: String
  private let ordersActor: MainActorRef<OrdersActor>

  init(name: String, ordersActor: MainActorRef<OrdersActor>) {
    self.name = name
    self.ordersActor = ordersActor

  func receive(context: MainActorContext) -> PartialFunction<Any, Void> {
    return CommonActors.emptyBehavior

class OrdersActor: MainActor {
  private let customer: MainActorRef<CustomerActor>
  private var orders: [Order]

  init(customer: MainActorRef<CustomerActor>) {
    self.customer = customer
    self.orders = []

  func receive(context: MainActorContext) -> PartialFunction<Any, Void> {
    return CommonActors.emptyBehavior

class OrderActor: MainActor {
  private let order: Order
  private let inventoryActor: MainActorRef<InventoryActor>

  init(order: Order, inventoryActor: MainActorRef<InventoryActor>) {
    self.order = order
    self.inventoryActor = inventoryActor

  func receive(context: MainActorContext) -> PartialFunction<Any, Void> {
    return CommonActors.emptyBehavior

class InventoryActor: MainActor {
  private var inventory: [InventoryItem]

  init() {
    self.inventory = []

  func receive(context: MainActorContext) -> PartialFunction<Any, Void> {
    return CommonActors.emptyBehavior

In this example, the actor hierarchy consists of four actor classes: CustomerActor, CustomerActor, OrdersActor, OrderActor, and InventoryActor. The CustomerActorrepresents a customer and has a child actor (OrdersActor) for handling the customer’s orders. The OrdersActor, in turn, has child actors (OrderActor) for each order placed by the customer. The OrderActorhas a reference to the InventoryActor, which represents the inventory of the e-commerce store and is responsible for managing the availability of items in the inventory.

This actor hierarchy allows the e-commerce application to model the relationships between customers, orders, and inventory items in a way that is easy to understand and maintain. It also allows different parts of the system to communicate with each other in a decoupled and asynchronous manner, which can improve the scalability and performance of the application.

Managing Actor State

Managing actor state is crucial when using @MainActor in Swift. Actor state refers to the data that is associated with an actor and that can change over time. It is important to handle actor state in a responsible manner to avoid concurrency issues and ensure the smooth operation of your application. By following best practices for managing actor state, you can ensure that your actors are well-behaved and do not introduce any issues into your code.

One way to manage actor state is to make sure that it is only modified from within the actor itself, rather than from external sources. This can help to avoid race conditions and other concurrency issues that can arise when multiple actors or threads are accessing the same data.

To implement this best practice, you can use the actorState property of the Actor protocol to define the state that is associated with an actor. This property is marked as private(set) to ensure that it can only be modified from within the actor itself. Here is an example of how to define actor state using the actorState property:

struct MyActor: Actor {
  private(set) var actorState: Int = 0

  func receive(message: String) -> Int {
    switch message {
      case "increment":
        actorState += 1
      case "decrement":
        actorState -= 1

    return actorState

Here the actorState property is a simple integer that is initialized to 0. The actor’s receive method receives messages and updates the actor state based on the message received. For example, if the message is “increment”, the actor state is incremented by 1. If the message is “decrement”, the actor state is decremented by 1.

By carefully managing actor state in this way, you can ensure that your actors are well-behaved and do not introduce concurrency issues into your application.

Handling Errors

One of the best practices for using @MainActor in Swift is handling errors effectively. Actors operate concurrently and asynchronously, which means that errors can occur at any time and may be difficult to trace. It is important to have a robust strategy for handling errors in actor-based systems in order to ensure that your application is reliable and stable.

Here are a few tips for handling errors in @MainActor in Swift:

  • Use try-catch blocks: When sending messages to actors, it is a good idea to use try-catch blocks to handle any errors that may occur. This allows you to handle errors at the point where they occur, rather than allowing them to propagate through the system.
  • Use actor hierarchies: Actor hierarchies can be used to organize your actors and delegate error handling to higher levels in the hierarchy. For example, you can define an actor that handles errors for a group of child actors, rather than having each child actor handle errors individually.
  • Use actor lifecycle hooks: actor lifecycle hooks, such as onError and onFailure, can be used to handle errors that occur during the lifecycle of an actor. These hooks allow you to take action when an error occurs, such as logging the error or restarting the actor.

Here is an example of using try-catch blocks to handle errors when sending messages to actors in @MainActor:

do {
  try actor1 ! "Hello"
} catch {
  print("Error sending message: \(error)")

In this example, the try-catch block is used to handle any errors that may occur when sending the message “Hello” to actor1. If an error occurs, it is logged to the console.

Using @MainActor can help Swift developers create scalable and concurrent systems that are easier to reason about and maintain. However, it is important to understand the concepts and best practices for using @MainActor in order to get the most out of this technology.

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